Welcome to St Mary's Church, Merton
St Mary's is a Church of England parish within the Diocese of Southwark, serving a community of some 3,000 households in and around Merton Park, London, SW19. With a history and hospitality that stretches back to 1115, we continue to be at the heart of the local community, worshjpping God, reaching out to the wider world and extend a warm welcome to you all.
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You can apply online right now to join St Mary's 2025 Electoral Roll. It's really easy! You're entitled to be on our Roll if you're baptised, become 16 years of age during the next twelve months and either live in the parish or worship regularly at St Mary’s. Click on the link in our bio and open the top story for more info and the online form.
It was annual spring clean day in the church today, on a beautiful spring day. Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers for their hard work.
We're delighted to welcome @alexander.binns2, Director of Music at Derby Cathedral, to St Mary's Church on Thursday 10 April at 7.30pm. Alexander has assisted us as organist in the past, and we're looking forward to welcoming him back to play our fine 2015 Mander instrument. His programme will include works by Bach, Widor and Cesar Franck, an arrangement of a well-known spiritual and music composed for the coronation of King Charles III. Doors open at 7pm - all tickets £15 (unreserved seating) - cash or card. Bar opens at 7pm and during the interval, selling wine and soft drinks. An evening not to be missed!
'Remember that you are but dust and unto dust you shall return'. Tomorrow sees the beginning of Lent, during which we reflect on Christ's time in the Wilderness. Do join us at 7.30pm on Ash Wednesday to mark this important time in the Christian year. And enjoy your pancakes today!
Please help the South East Rivers Trust to clean up the River Wandle following the disastrous diesel spillage on 19 February. Search for 'wandle crowdfunder' to contribute, and spread the word.
We're delighted to hear that our former Director of Music @helencharlottesmee has been appointed to that position at Southwark Cathedral. Helen was with St Mary's for 11 years until 2022 and was instrumental in nurturing and enhancing our musical tradition through her work with the choir. We wish Helen every success in her new post.
High level cleaning is underway in the church today, thanks to Cicero, a member of our congregation who has volunteered his team at dumond.co.uk to prepare the way for the big annual spring clean next month.
We are delighted that The Very Rev'd Dr Mark Oakley, The Dean of Southwark is to visit St Mary's to preach at Choral Evensong this coming Sunday 19 January at 6.30pm. The Dean is a much sought after preacher and we look forward very much to welcoming him and seeing you here to hear him.
Many thanks to the 575 people who came to our two Christingle services on Christmas Eve. Together they raised more than £1,600 for @thechildrenssociety . We wish you all a very happy and blessed 2025 and hope to welcome you back to St Mary's soon!
Do join us at one of our two magical Christingle services on Christmas Eve at 3.30pm and 5pm. Christmas carols, the Nativity story and a Christingle for every young person. Retiring collection in support of @thechildrenssociety.
Limbering up for Nine Lessons & Carols! 6.30pm this evening.
Tonight at 6.30pm do join us for our traditional Nine Lessons and Carols by candlelight led by the choir.
Members of our choir sung carols for @macmillancancer tonight at the @leatherbottlewimbledon. They're back in action tomorrow at our Parish Eucharist at 9.30am and Nine Lessons & Carols by candlelight, 6.30pm.
If you're passing the Leather Bottle in Kingston Road this evening between 6.30 and 8.30pm, pop in and enjoy carols sung by St Mary's choir members, family and friends - and please do join in! All in support of @macmillancancer.
The Choristers of St Mary's, led by @tristan_weymes, @gaiasingers and harpist Anwen Mai Thomas take a well-deserved bow from a packed church at the end of a memorable evening, with Britten's Ceremony of Carols taking centre stage. Congratulations to all our musicians!
Don't forget - this Sunday at 6.30pm the Choristers of St Mary's, with @gaiasingers and harpist Anwen Mai Thomas, sing Britten's Ceremony of Carols. Tickets only £10 on the door, cash or card. Do come and enjoy one of Britten's choral masterpieces.
Next Sunday 15th at 6.30pm, our wonderful young choristers (now numbering an amazing 25!) are singing Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols and other seasonal works. They'll be joined by our friends @gaiasingers and the talented harpist Anwen Mai Thomas. Tickets on the door only £10, cash or card. Wine, soft drinks and mince pies will be on sale before the concert and in the interval. Doors open at 6pm. Please note that there will be no Evensong on 15th.
Our Advent worship continues this evening with Choral Evensong for men's voices. The canticles are Dyson in C minor and the anthem is Coventry Carol (trad.) 6.30pm, all welcome.
A congregation of more than 100 welcomed the Advent season last Sunday at our Candlelit Carol Service led by our choir, with carols including Howells' A Spotless Rose and Rutter's There is no Rose, plus classic traditional Advent hymns. There's plenty more opportunities to join us between now and the end of January as we celebrate Christmas and Epiphany.
Read the latest issue of our magazine, delivered free to 3,000 households in the parish. Explore the mystery and spiritual depths of the Christmas message, meet the new Manager of Faith in Action's Homeless Drop-in, learn about the eco-importance of bats, and lots more!
For details of all our Christmas 2024 services, and a concert by our wonderful Choristers, visit our website at https://www.stmarysmerton.org.uk/b/christmas
The Choir is on its way home from a fabulous weekend singing @bristolcathedral - thanks for the warm welcome! (Great verging team 👍) #choirtour #choristers #summersinging
This Saturday evening at St Mary's, why not join Wimbledon Chamber Choir 'Under the Greenwood Tree', for an evening of arboreal delights including Vaughan Williams' 'In Windsor Forest', madrigals, partsongs and solo items. More on our website - stmarysmerton.org.uk/blog/39854
Our new-look Midsummer Festival is TODAY! Plenty of fun and games for all the family in our sun-drenched glebe field, or just chill with friends, food, drink and live music from 6pm to dusk.
End of a great day at @southwark_cathedral where our choir has been singing for the Diocesan Confirmation Service. A great first cathedral visit for our probationers!
It’s that time again, folks, for our annual public service announcement: over to you, Yoda! Our #MotheringSunday service begins at 10am, and includes distribution of flowers and simnel cake. Choral Evensong as usual at 6.30pm, featuring music by Hilton and Goss.
Join us and @dawesfinewine this Friday to tour the vineyards of France and support the work of St Mary’s. #stmarysmerton #mertonpark #sw19
Our choristers have been off visiting #Oxford today and singing a joint service with the Chapel Choir of Trinity College. Beautiful weather and excellent snacks (said the choristers!). Great to catch up with ex organ scholar @tristan_weymes too! #choristers #trinitycollegeoxford #goodworktosnackratio
The crocuses are bringing a real sense of Spring to the churchyard this week.
The Spring issues of St Mary's quarterly magazine 'Parish Matters' is out next month, but if you haven't yet read the current Winter issue, download it on our website at stmarysmerton.org.uk - follow the Parish magazine link.
Full house for Nine Lessons and Carols last night. A wonderful service from the St Mary’s Choir... well done @helencharlottesmee, Ian Tindale and all the ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls of the choir. #choir #carols #christmas #advent #stmarysmerton #sw19 #mertonpark #choristers #everychildamusician
Christmas Eve!!! We hope to see you at our Christingle Services this afternoon (3.30pm and 5.30pm) for the Nativity story. #christmas #nativity #stmarysmerton #merton #mertonpark #sw19 #christingle
We cannot guarantee a White Christmas, but visit our website (link in profile) to see our services during the preparatory season of Advent, and the incarnation of Christ. And see you for the informal Chorister’s Christmas Concert this evening 7pm! #stmarysmerton #advent #christmas #church #choir #mertonpark #sw19 #merton #everychildamusician #concert
Music has been at the heart of our worship for centuries...come to our informal Chorister’s Christmas Concert tomorrow Friday 7th of December. Seasonal Repertoire for the whole family. And if you would like to be part of our music making go to www.stmarysmertonchoir.com to find out more! #everychildamusician #stmarysmerton #advent #christmas #choir #chorister #mertonpark #merton #sw19
Weather outside may be frightful but in here it is truly delightful...last preparation before the #stmarysmerton #christmas market...until 2pm. Gifts, delicious treats, lunch, trains, Father Christmas...what more could one want! #mertonpark #advent #sw19
Do you need a festive centrepiece, or a wreath for the door? You know where you can find one...the #stmarysmerton Christmas Market...11am - 2pm tomorrow, Saturday 1st December. #advent #christmasfair #sw19 #mertonpark #christmas #wreath
Have you run out of 2017’s stock?! Come and replenish at the #stmarysmerton #christmas market this Saturday at the Church Hall...a veritable trove of gifts and goodies awaits...doors open at 11am #xmas #marmalade #advent #mertonpark #sw19
Don't miss a very special concert this Saturday at 7.30pm in St Mary's Church. Buttons & Bows features talented young musicians and the fab Alfred & Salamander Saxophone Quartet. In aid of Save the Children and St Mary's funds.
And the weekend will continue with our Advent Carol service by Candlelight 6.30pm on Sunday 2nd December. Come to sing, listen and reflect as we prepare for the birth of Christ #advent #carols #christmas #stmarysmerton #mertonpark
Is it beginning to feel a lot like Christmas? At #stmarysmerton we start the advent season with our Christmas Market on Saturday December 1st...11am - 2pm JOIN US for delicious home-made cakes and chutney, hand-made Christmas wreaths, gifts, books, music and bric-a-brac. Prizes to win, children’s activities and a working model railway. Café for morning coffee and lunch. Entrance is 50p (children free). Proceeds go towards our chosen local charities which help those in need. #christmasfair #advent #christmas #mertonpark