St Mary’s primary function is to be a living Church in which God is praised in Christian worship, inspiring people to grow in faith and serve the community and beyond.Note: Online video services and other resources for each Sunday, and principal services in the church's year, are available here. available here.

8.00am Said Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer on 4th Sunday)
9.30am Sung Parish Eucharist ; Sunday Club runs in parallel in Hall
3rd Sunday of each month: 'Children First' Eucharist (suited to children - no Sunday Club)
6.30pm Sung Evensong
Note: Parish Eucharist starts at 10am for the following Celebrations: Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday.
WEEKDAYS - WEEKDAYS Please consult the weekly pew sheet
in church (or online here) or the calendar section of our website for
Saints’ Days Said Eucharists at 10.30am (30 mins)

Other times for prayer, vigils or special services: please see the weekly sheet in church or online here.
Holy Week & Easter and Christmas Services
Details are published on our website and in our quarterly Parish Matters magazine, which is delivered to every household in the parish.
Top - Easter Day procession
Bottom - Choir singing an anthem