Explore faith

At St Mary’s the sermons at all of our three Sunday services provide the most frequent opportunities to consider aspects of the Christian faith.

We are fortunate in currently hearing sermons from Associate Priest Revd. Judith Bersweden, and our Vicar, Revd John Hayward. Each brings a different style and life experience to bear on their preaching, centred around, but not limited to, the lectionary readings for the particular Sunday.

A regular study group meets at St Mary’s (our Pilgrim Group , details below) and additional opportunities are offered at our neighbouring parish of St James, with which we have good links.

Further afield, but still very near, Roehampton University and St Paul’s Cathedral offer some excellent resources and lectures with world-class speakers.

Pilgrim Group

The Pilgrim Group offers an opportunity for informal prayer, study and fellowship. The spring 2025 series of meetings will be held in the small hall or the parish room on the following Thursday evenings between 7.30 and 9.00 pm: February 20, March 13 and 27, and April 3. 


This term we continue to use as a resource John Pritchard’s book Twenty questions Jesus asked and how they speak to us today.  From the blurb: ‘Questions such as “What are you looking for?”, “Why are you afraid?” and “Do you love me?” become vividly relevant in this exhilarating book, as John Pritchard invites us to enter into the conversations Jesus had through the eyes and experiences of the people involved.’


A very warm welcome is extended to all, especially new participants. For more details, contact Simon Hillson (simonhillson@me.com; 07970 165 907).


Short introductory leaflets on various aspects of Christian faith and practice can be downloaded from the Gospel Imprint website at http://www.gospelimprint.com/GI-pages/downloads.htm.

Other resources
Further afield           

Roehampton University - 5 miles away. 

St Paul’s Cathedral -10 miles away
Brochures advertising world class events and lectures at St Paul’s Cathedral are to be found amongst the information in the tower at St Mary’s. Follow this link for further details of lectures that attract speakers of national and international standing, fostering an informed Christian response to the most urgent ethical and spiritual issues of our times: equality, stewardship and the meaning of the common good. 

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