Funerals and interment of ashes

Whether you would prefer a service in St Mary’s Church or entirely at the crematorium or burial chapel, the Vicar is always willing to lead the funeral service, doing his best to meet your preferred date and time. Relatives or executors should contact him directly to arrange a funeral, or ask the funeral directors to do so on 07958 959591 or email at

Pastoral support is offered not just by the Vicar, but also by other members of our gifted pastoral team who understand bereavement and its distress.

Please note, any connection with St Mary’s is sufficient to have the funeral of your loved one in the church or the services of the vicar at the crematorium- you do not need to be a regular worshipper at St Mary’s. The parish church and what it offers is for everyone.

We are pleased offer the musical services of an excellent organist; our new pipe organ or grand piano being played to lead the music in church. In addition, it is also possible to play some recorded music and if a choir is required to lead the singing, this can also be conveniently arranged.

St Mary's churchyard in snow


Prayers for those who have recently died are included in our services every Sunday, unless you would prefer not.  We also hold a special service on the Feast of All Souls at the beginning of November each year, to which we invite the relatives of all those who have died in the last year. We hope that bringing people together, in this way, who have recently suffered a loss, helps in coming to terms with a bereavement.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

Interment of Ashes
To apply for the interment of ashes into the churchyard, please consult the application form below, which will help guide you through the process.