Occasional Singers
The success of St Mary’s Occasional Singers lies in its name in that we sing occasionally!
Nick Roberts writes:
The choir emerged from a request by some members of St Mary’s congregation to contribute to the musical worship of the church, without the heavy commitment involved in being part of the robed choir. By singing the morning and evening services when they are off-duty, we accommodate those who have always wanted to sing on occasions but don’t have the time or the confidence to join a choir which sings each week.

We have also performed in several concerts at St Mary’s, as well as at the Church Summer Fair and other charity events. There are no auditions – anyone who is interested “to give it a go” is welcome and you don’t have to be a regular churchgoer to join. Our membership is made up of singers from the local area with a wide range of musical experiences – from those who don’t read music to those who teach it.
We don’t have a regular rehearsal schedule; we organise a practice when we can in preparation for services or a concert. Rehearsals are normally at 11am on a Sunday morning in St Mary’s Parish Hall, with coffee and biscuits thrown in if you arrive a bit early! Our repertoire covers a wide range of music from Tallis to Tavener, Irving Berlin to Billy Joel.

We love good music, whoever it’s by and whatever it’s for, and we have been lucky enough to sing with piano, organ, brass ensemble and a professional orchestra.
If you would like to give us a try or would like to find out more, please contact me on 07740 983842 or email me at slicknickroberts@hotmail.com.
Top - Occasional Singers concert; bottom - entertaining at the Summer Fair.